The olfactory threshold of 40 common and typical odorous substances

In 2015, the National Key Laboratory for Odor Pollution Control in Environmental Protection of China measured the odor threshold of each substance using the three-point comparison odor bag method (GB/T 14675-93), which is a standard method for odor testing in odor pollution. A localized odor threshold library of 40 typical odor substances in China was obtained, including sulfides, nitrogen-containing compounds, benzene series, olefins, and oxygen-containing organic compounds

Oct 15,2021

What should we do if we always share the same bad taste?

The development of urbanization has made previously remote suburbs the best choice for developers to build new communities. This has led people who purchase suburban houses to move into new homes and become neighbors of sewage treatment plants and garbage treatment plants that were originally built in the suburbs. However, after residents move in, they often become overwhelmed by the odor generated by these factories, so they begin to complain about the odor path.

Oct 15,2021

Ambient air sampler

The detection of ambient air mainly focuses on the detection of particulate matter such as TSP, PM10, PM2.5, and toxic and harmful gases such as SO2, formaldehyde, and nitrogen oxides in the air. In order to ensure the accuracy of the detection data, the main detection method is still sampling and analysis according to national standards; And according to the different sampling time, it is divided into daily mean (constant temperature function) and hourly mean (heating function) sampling;

Oct 15,2021

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