Little knowledge about oil and gas recovery that must be understood!

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As a new generation of oil and gas recovery detection equipment for gas stations, the YQJY-2 intelligent detection instrument for oil and gas recovery integrates system sealing, liquid resistance, and gas-liquid ratio detection. It has automatic recording and storage of detection process data, on-site printing of detection results, signature confirmation, and other humanized functions. Each instrument can store detection data from hundreds of gas stations, and the detection data can be stored for a long time and printed repeatedly.

        1: What is an oil and gas recovery device?

        Answer: The oil and gas recovery system refers to the collection of volatile gasoline and gas during the process of loading and unloading gasoline and refueling vehicles. Through one or two methods such as absorption, adsorption, or condensation, the pollution of oil and gas can be reduced, or the oil and gas can be transformed from a gaseous state to a liquid state and re converted into gasoline, achieving the purpose of recycling and utilization.

        2: What is the composition of the oil and gas recovery device?

        Answer: The oil and gas recovery system consists of an unloading oil and gas recovery system, a gasoline sealed storage system, a refueling oil and gas recovery system, an online monitoring system, and an oil and gas emission treatment device.

        3: What are the common methods for oil and gas recovery currently?

        Answer: Currently, common methods include adsorption, absorption, condensation, and membrane separation. Secondary recovery of oil and gas mainly refers to the recovery of overflow gas from the fuel tank of a motor vehicle during refueling.

        4: Where is the oil and gas recovery device located?

        Answer: The oil and gas recovery devices at the gas station are all located at the end of a closed oil and gas recovery pipeline connected to the oil tank truck and the oil and gas recovery pipeline of the storage tank.

        5: What are the requirements of the national environmental department for oil and gas recovery?

        Answer: All gas stations, oil depots, and tank trucks must complete oil and gas pollution control within the specified time. After the control, they must meet the requirements of the "Gas Station Air Pollutant Emission Standard", "Oil Storage Air Pollutant Emission Standard", and "Gasoline Transportation Air Pollutant Emission Standard" to ensure stable and standard emissions. Newly built, renovated, or expanded oil storage depots, gas stations, and newly added oil tank trucks must be equipped with oil and gas emission pollution control devices or facilities to meet emission requirements. Otherwise, the environmental protection department will not pass the environmental protection acceptance of the construction project completion.

        6: What is the purpose of equipping an oil and gas recovery detector?

        Answer: The oil and gas recovery device can effectively reduce the discharge of leaked oil and gas, which is a protection for the environment. At the same time, it can also reduce oil and gas loss and reduce the probability of oil and gas explosions at gas stations.

        7: What instruments are used to detect oil and gas recovery devices?

        Answer: Currently, the instrument used to detect oil and gas recovery devices is called an oil and gas recovery detector. The mature and recommended YQJY series of oil and gas recovery detectors available on the market are China Machine Productivity.

        As a new generation of oil and gas recovery detection equipment for gas stations, the YQJY-2 intelligent detection instrument for oil and gas recovery integrates system sealing, liquid resistance, and gas-liquid ratio detection. It has automatic recording and storage of detection process data, on-site printing of detection results, signature confirmation, and other humanized functions. Each instrument can store detection data from hundreds of gas stations, and the detection data can be stored for a long time and printed repeatedly. The intelligent detector makes the acceptance work of oil and gas recovery at gas stations more simple, unified, standardized, and easy to manage. Its characteristics are as follows:

        This set of equipment includes an intelligent detector for oil and gas recovery, a refueling gun adapter, an oil barrel, a toolbox, and accessories. It has the advantages of high usability, small size, convenient carrying, and simple operation.