A Good Assistant for Exhaust Gas Road Inspection - Opacimeter

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In recent years, with the rapid development of China's motor vehicle economy, the production and use of motor vehicles have been growing rapidly. The pollution of motor vehicle exhaust to the environment is becoming increasingly serious. The air pollution in many large cities has shifted from coal-fired pollution to a mixture of coal-fired and motor vehicle pollution. The harm of motor vehicle exhaust pollution to the environment and human health is quite serious.

        In recent years, with the rapid development of China's motor vehicle economy, the production and use of motor vehicles have been growing rapidly. The pollution of motor vehicle exhaust to the environment is becoming increasingly serious. The air pollution in many large cities has shifted from coal-fired pollution to a mixture of coal-fired and motor vehicle pollution. The harm of motor vehicle exhaust pollution to the environment and human health is quite serious.

        Automobile exhaust pollution is an environmental pollution caused by the exhaust emissions from automobiles. The main pollutants are carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons, nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxide, lead containing compounds, benzopyrene, and solid particles, which can cause photochemical smog.

        In addition, the emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2), sulfide SOx (SO and SO2), nitrogen oxide NOx (NO and NO2), and chlorofluorocarbons from automobiles exacerbate atmospheric environmental issues such as greenhouse effect, ozone layer destruction, and acid rain; The air is polluted by CO, NOx, SOx, unburned hydrocarbon HC, particulate matter PM, odor gas and other pollutants emitted from automobiles. Since the emission of automobile exhaust gas is mainly between 0.3m and 2m, it is precisely the breathing range of human body, which has a very serious impact on human health. It will stimulate the respiratory tract and reduce the capacity of the respiratory system, thus leading to an increase in the incidence rate of dyspnea among the exposed population. Benzene is a strong carcinogen in exhaust gas, which can cause thyroid cancer and other diseases.

        An opaque opacimeter is a device used for exhaust gas road inspection. It can not only measure black smoke in diesel engine exhaust, but also blue smoke and white smoke emissions. It has strong measurement ability for low concentration visible pollutants and can achieve continuous measurement of smoke. Its working principle is to collect the exhaust gas from the car exhaust pipe into the analyzer through a detection tube. There is a laser inside the analyzer, and when exhaust gas enters the analyzer, it will "absorb" the laser. Compare the degree to which the exhaust gas "absorbs" the laser with the standard values for quantifying vehicle exhaust emissions.